Umsatzstarker Jahresbeginn

April 5, 2023

5 tips for strong start-of-year sales

1.       Service, service, service!

Counter bell in a hotel

Hospitality, friendliness and the personal touch are all must-haves in the food service industry. Good, courteous and professional staff are therefore the be-all and end-all for your business. Use the quieter month of January to train and motivate your staff. Here are a few ideas:

Suggestions for motivating employees


2.       January trends: dry January & Veganuary

Alkoholfreie Cocktails mit Grapefruit

Many people now start the new year by taking a month off booze and/or animal products –providing a great opportunity for you to adapt your menu accordingly. Attract more customers with vegan specials or unusual non-alcoholic drinks. January is also the perfect month to organise special events on these themes – like an alcohol-free gin tasting session or a set vegan dinner. Get creative and develop your own January USP.


3.       Food as a lifestyle

Food has always been an important part of our cultural identity – and this is something people want to celebrate and make visible. Dining out is increasingly becoming a status symbol and means of self-actualisation. The current trend towards a more eco-friendly lifestyle also plays a role in people’s food choices, with the focus currently on:

lifestyle trends in gastronomy: organic, vegan, waste-free, sustainable

Take advantage of these trends, integrate them into your menu and advertise them on your social media pages or website to attract new customers.


4.       Keep things simple

Minimalistische Speisekarte

A small menu not only lowers your costs, but increases your appeal. Minimalism is still very much on trend, bringing with it a feeling of exclusivity and luxury. A smaller menu is therefore a win-win: you end up with a smaller purchase list and less spoiled food, while guests are more likely to trust in the freshness of your produce. What’s not to like?


5.       Atmosphere & design

Garnelengericht in Kupferpfännchen und Kürbissuppe mit Brot auf einem Tisch

In the past, an exceptionally good steak was sometimes all you needed to attract hordes of guests. Today’s consumers, however, are not only looking for good food, but also a good atmosphere and attractive surroundings. This may include coherent, modern interior furnishings, appropriate background music and appealing crockery. Time to update your tableware? Simply contact our Head of National Sales Meike or our Head of International Sales Eugen.

Katalogansicht von WAS Germany Geschirr

In conclusion: the food service industry will continue to evolve and undergo massive changes. Those who start adapting to trends early on are putting themselves in a good position for the future, because by listening to the consumer and increasing the quality of your products and services, customers will ultimately be willing to spend more.

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