February 5, 2024

Food trends 2024

Food trends 2024 – Are you ready for the future?

Staying up to date with the latest trends is no easy task in the food service industry. Tastes are fickle and fleeting, and that which was a massive hit yesterday may no longer be of interest today. Fortunately, the annual Food Report from the Zukunftsinstitut provides helpful guidance. Here are the latest food trends for 2024 – so you can make sure you’re ahead of the curve.  

Infographic on the overview of the most important food trends of 2024: plant-based food, Re-use food, Regernerative food, Brutal local food, female connaisseurs


The future of food is sustainable

The culinary world is becoming more and more conscious of “green” nutrition and the sustainable use of food and resources. Consumption of plant-based food has increased significantly, with more people turning vegan and vegetarian or reducing the amount of meat they eat. And with meat and fish substitutes constantly improving, making the switch is now easier than ever.

Einmachglas mit Radieschen Pesto und ein Bund frische Radieschen


Re-use food, circular food und zero-waste cooking

There are many names and concepts for minimising food waste through the clever use of leftovers – and re-use food is one that’s trending right now. People’s perception of food is changing, and peelings, seeds and pomace are now considered valuable resources. As a result, creative ways are being developed to not let these resources go to waste. In addition to being used for animal feed or to produce biogas, kitchen scraps can now also be processed into new foods. 

Mensch steht auf einem Feld und hält Erde in seinen beiden Händen


Green and sustainable

In the interest of climate and environmental protection, more and more people are turning to regenerative food – ingredients sourced from sustainable agricultural practices that protect the soil, biodiversity and ecosystems. Regenerative food conserves resources and is good for the climate, which is becoming increasingly important to many consumers.

Junge Frau kniet auf einem Feld und erntet Gemüse


Regional and seasonal to the extreme

The so-called “brutal local” food movement is all about sourcing regional ingredients. But this is not limited to fruits and vegetables: processed foods should also be produced as close as possible to the point of use. With short supply chains and transparent production conditions and cultivation methods, brutal local food supports the local economy, traditions and sustainability.

Junge Köchin steht in einer Restaurantküche und richtet ein Steak an


Women driving change in the food service industry

Last but not least, a trend that is less about food and more about the general evolution of the food service industry: more and more female food experts and women in management positions are driving social and ecological change in the sector. Female connoisseurs are creating particularly inclusive and diverse food systems – and this approach is very popular with consumers.


In conclusion

It’s clear, therefore, that the future of the food service industry is based around conscious and sustainable nutrition. By adapting to these trends and designing your culinary creations accordingly, restaurateurs can meet the needs of consumers and keep their business competitive in the coming years.

Are you ready for dining trends of tomorrow?

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